Archive for ‘Portfolio Category’ :

Going from CRT to LCD

Whether you recently purchased an arcade cabinet with a CRT monitor or want to build an arcade machine from scratch, making the decision to use an LCD or other digital monitor for your display can be daunting given the amount of information available on the subject. Deciphering issues like refresh…

March 30, 2016


Configuring USBs

Using USBs with OpenITG/Stepmania is useful for saving profile data, collecting screenshots and loading custom songs. It’s a great way to add some authenticity to your setup, but does require some configuration to get everything working. For USBs to work effectively, any drive inserted into the port must have the same…

March 26, 2016


USB Polling

Update 1 I’ve received a report that this method will not work if you’re using or to connect your pads. Polling these devices can lead to issues connecting your hardware. Update 2 If you’re using Windows 10, use Sweetlow’s version of hidusbf instead of those in the downloads section of this…

March 14, 2016


Wiring Buttons with a JPAC or IPAC

If you’re looking to upgrade your arcade cabinet with extra buttons, the process is relatively straightforward if not a little… messy. Finagling the rats nest of wires found in older machines is the most difficult part of this project. I decided to add two extra buttons to my cabinet to emulate…

April 4, 2016


Bass Neons to LED Strips

Most dance game cabinets come with neon tube lighting which flashes on and off during gameplay. While these look nice, if one of your lights breaks it can be difficult to find a replacement. You might also want to give your machine a refreshed look with a new set of lights….

December 29, 2016